Tips for finding a flat

29. Juli 2020
Illustration eines Studentenzimmers mit einem Bett und einem Bücherregal
Finding accomodation when you're moving abroad to study can be tough. When you know that you are accepted to a study programme in Europe, it is sensible to start looking for a room straight away.

Austria does not have a tradition of on-campus accommodation. Students in Austria either live in a hall of residence or in private accommodation. In contrast to many other countries, Austrian universities or UAS (Fachhochschulen) do not automatically allocate a room when you register for your course. Rather, you have to search for accommodation yourself.

There are many options for arranging accommodation that suits you best, but make sure you start looking for a room as soon as possible. It is also important to check at your university as to whether they can arrange a room.

Read the information on our website to find out more about accommodation in Austria

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