
MOREclassic und Borealis-MORE-Stipendium für geflüchtete und vertriebene Studierende

10. Juni 2024StudiumStipendium

Open Call zur Teilnahme an der MORE-Initiative für Geflüchtete der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz im Studienjahr 2024/25.

Study in Austria at NAFSA

4. Juni 2024

This year's NAFSA was a great success, thanks to four days of fruitful meetings and a session focused on the empowerment of refugee students.

Bachelor's degree in sustainable business at UAS Burgenland

24. Mai 2024

The Bachelor's degree programme in International Sustainable Business at University of Applied Sciences Burgenland is entering its second round in autumn. Now is the chance to …

Master's programme in European Studies at UAS Burgenland

24. Mai 2024

The Master's degree programme in European Studies at University of Applied Sciences Burgenland focuses strongly on the successful acquisition and implementation of EU projects.

Study in Austria auf der Fachkonferenz und Hochschulmesse NAFSA 2024

17. Mai 2024

Study in Austria wird an diesjährigen Fachkonferenz und Hochschulmesse in New Orleans teilnehmen.