
oead4refugees – Higher Education for refugees

24. Juli 2018

With oead4refugees the OeAD provides an overview for refugees who are living in Austria and want to study here or have their degree recognised in Austria.

Vetmeduni Vienna auf Platz 6 bei weltweiten Studienfach-Ranking

24. Juli 2018

Im Shanghai Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2018 rangiert die Vetmeduni Vienna im Fach "Veterinary Sciences" auf Platz 6.

Erasmus+ stays bring Austria almost 40 million euros in revenue

12. Juli 2018

On behalf of the National Agency Erasmus+ Education (OeAD-GmbH) the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) investigated the effects on the economy of the approximately 14,000 people who applied for an education-related stay in Austria in 2014 (incomings).

EURAXESS Australia & New Zealand website launched

10. Juli 2018

The new chapter "Down Under" links researchers in Australia and New Zealand with Europe.

Universität Wien ändert ab sofort Zulassung zum Doktoratsstudium

5. Juli 2018

Künftig muss man nicht nur ein facheinschlägiges Masterstudium nachweisen - sondern etwa auch ein Motivationsschreiben einreichen.