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From fields to labs: The bioactive tapestry of seedy bananas

12. Februar 2024ScholarsAlumni

In a blend of nature and science, discover the story of seedy bananas and how a researcher's pursuit is transforming them to potential functional foods

Developing more effective drug delivery systems for obesity treatment

2. Februar 2024AlumniForscher/innen

Pharmacist Amina Tucak-Smajić came to Austria with the CEEPUS programme and the S&T cooperation initiative between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Austria between 2019 and 2023.

Österreich mit dem Universidad del Desarrollo Global Award ausgezeichnet

27. September 2023Alumni

Die chilenische Universidad del Desarrollo würdigte Österreichs Engagement im Bereich globaler Bildung im Jahr 2022

Academic excellence in geography: Fjolla Neziri's pursuit of knowledge

5. Juli 2023ScholarsAlumni

Introducing Fjolla Neziri, a hardworking student with a remarkable dedication to geography and geospatial technologies.

Meet Soeharto: An expert in educational sciences and STEM learning

5. Juli 2023ScholarsAlumni

Get to know Soeharto and his research journey into the world of STEM education, uncovering the creative approaches of teachers towards inclusive education.