University of Vienna: Summer school for International and European Studies 2022

8. März 2022 HochschuleStudium
Group of students
Still scholarships available - Online Information Session today!

European studies proves to be more important than ever now. Amidst the devastating current events, the organizers hope that the interdisciplinary setting will allow for insightful discussion and the shaping of solutions for peace.

univie: summer school for International and European Studies 2022

There are still scholarships available. The application deadline has been extended until March 31! Please let any interested students know that they can still receive financial aid if they apply in the next few weeks. (Regular admission ends on April 30)

Upcoming online information session for prospective students:
March 9, 2022, 5:00 pm Central European Time (CET)
This is the perfect opportunity to ask questions and receive instant feedback.
Join us!
Zoom link:
Meeting-ID: 854 158 8279
Code: 345887

For more information please the website: Summer School (

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