The positive development of the regional labour market in the ICT sector has resulted in an increasing demand for skilled professionals. With its degree programmes in the field of technical sciences, the University of Klagenfurt makes a significant contribution to the training of highly qualified graduates in the ICT sector. The University of Klagenfurt Technology Scholarships were established to attract more highly qualified students to these study programmes.
Eligible for application are students who have completed a Bachelor's degree relevant for one the Master's degree programmes listed below, in one of the following countries/regions:
Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Estonia, Greece, Israel, Jordan, Kosovo, Latvia, Lebanon, Libya, Lithuania, Montenegro, Morocco, North Macedonia, Palestinian territories, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovenia, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vietnam
and who are interested in pursuing one of the following Master's degree programmes at AAU:
- Master in Mathematics
- Master in Game Studies and Engineering
- Master in Informatics
- Master in Information Management
- Master in Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity
- Master in Information and Communications Engineering (ICE):
- Branch of Study Autonomous Systems and Robotics
- Branch of Study Networks and Communications
- Branch of Study Business Engineering
The University of Klagenfurt aims to increase the proportion of women students in technical sciences and therefore specifically invites qualified women to apply for a Technology Scholarship.
Online Info sessions
All interested applicants are invited to join an online info session either on
- Wednesday, December 18th 2024, 3 p.m. (CET)
- Wednesday, January 8th 2025, 2 p.m. (CET)
Access link: https://classroom.aau.at/b/del-zwk-zsw-ata (no preregistration required)
Scholarship holders shall be enabled to finance the second year of their Master’s degree programme with a paid internship, which is also part of the curriculum. The University of Klagenfurt supports scholarship holders to find a paid internship in the first year of their Master’s degree programme.
Based on an agreement with the University of Klagenfurt, the OeAD publishes the call for applications, accompanies the selection process, awards the scholarships and offers its services to the selected scholarship holders before and during their stay in Austria.
See additional information on www.grants.at and the AAU website under University of Klagenfurt Technology Scholarships