University College for Agricultural and Environmental Education

The University College for Agricultural and Environmental Education is the pedagogical centre for the training of teachers and advisors in the work fields of agriculture, forestry and the environment. Both the rural and the urban economic area of Austria will increasingly become influenced by structural, ecological and societal changes. Well-trained young people and the further training of disseminators largely contribute to a sustainable and future-oriented development. The University College for Agricultural and Environmental Education offers scientifically sound training related to the students’ future work fields. The students gain pedagogical, personal and professional key competences from the perspective of sustainability. This aims at becoming fit for the challenges in society and in their jobs.
Faculties and programmes
Agricultural Education | Environmental Education | Agricultural and Environmental Education for Postgraduates | Green Care | Educational Management in Rural Areas | Entrepreneurship in Agriculture and Food Economy | Advisory Service and Adult Education | E-Learning and E-Didactics | Didactics, School Development and Green Pedagogy | Entrepreneurship, Research and Innovation | Advanced Training and Further Education
The University College is situated in the western part of Vienna surrounded by a big garden area. The main educational offers are the bachelor’s and master’s study programmes, "Agrarian Pedagogy" and "Environmental Pedagogy". The students gain pedagogical fundamentals, communication and team building in theory and practice and specialised content in areas of agrarian science as well as in environmental topics and sustainable development. Besides these studies the University College offers a wide range of programmes in further education and advanced training. Various college courses such as "Advisory and Adult Education", "Horticultural Therapy" and "Medical Plants and Wild Herbs" and master’s programmes in "Green Care", "Education Management in Rural Areas" and "Entrepreneurship in Agriculture and Food Economy" are offered as part-time programmes for different target groups. These long-term offerings are supplemented by about 150 seminars and trainings on different topics such as pedagogy and didactics, environment and sustainability, quality, guidance and management, entrepreneurship, rural development, climate protection and green pedagogy.
Theory meets practice. In all study programmes internships and professional experience are core areas apart from focusing on theoretical aspects. All students spend a practice semester in schools to practise teaching and in advisory and adult education within the scope of the agrarian and forestry extension service and in the field of environmental NGOs.