University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (KUG)

The University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (KUG) has around 2,200 students at its Graz and Oberschützen campuses and is an internationally renowned university offering a wide range of courses in music and performing arts. Located in the heart of Europe, we connect with the cultural heritage of our region while helping to shape current representations in contemporary arts.
We are involved in international developments in the arts, education and research, and promote the value of art, culture and academic scholarship in society.
Faculties and programmes
Composition; Theory of Music; History of Music; Conducting | Piano | Strings | Wind and Percussion Instruments | Music Education | Church Music and Organ | Voice, Lied and Oratorio | Jazz | Jazz Research | Opera | Drama | Stage Design | Oberschützen | Ethnomusicology | Aesthetics of Music | Early Music and Performance Practice | Electronic Music and Acoustics | Performance Practice in Contemporary Music (PPCM) Instrumental & Vocal | Jazz Composition and Arrangement | Mediation of Music and Theatre | Music Therapy | Doctoral Study Program artistic-scholarly (Dr.artium) | Doctoral Study Program scientific (PhD)
Here at KUG we focus on two areas: the concept of artistic citizenship and connecting different musical traditions with innovation. Our work as a university is based on top-quality teaching, development and exploration of the arts (EEK*) and academic scholarship. We emphasize on the interweaving of artistic practice, EEK and scholarship. Teachers and students collaborate as partners in a joint process of knowledge acquisition and development.
As a place of education and as an employer we see ourselves as part of an open, diverse society. We believe that a conscious, sensitive approach towards gender, diversity and sustainability has great potential for the transformation of the arts and culture sector and the further development of our institution.
*EEK is the abbreviation of the German term “Entwicklung und Erschliessung der Künste“.