Daily life
Do you want to travel through Austria or Europe during the holidays?
Here you will find all the important information for travelling by bus, train or plane. Austria is a very small country, but it has an extensive public transport network. You don't necessarily need a car to travel within Austria or to other European countries. Vienna is the only city that has a metro – all other cities have good bus or tram connections. Detailed information about public transport in your university city can be found on the city's website.
By bike
A quick and easy way to get around town is by bike. WienMobil Rad, a bike-sharing scheme run by the Vienna Transport Authority, offers affordable bike hire. You can rent a bike from one of the many stations in Vienna using an app and explore the city for as little as €0.35 per 30 minutes.
By train
Travelling by train is very popular in Austria. The ÖBB (Austrian Federal Railways) is the state-owned railway company. It offers special fares for travel within Austria and to neighbouring countries. If you want to save even more money, you can book a SparSchiene ticket – these are available from just 9 euros. If you want to discover Europe, you can travel to some of the most beautiful cities in Europe with a SparSchiene ticket starting at 19 euros. You can find more information about the various leisure tickets on the ÖBB website.
WESTbahn is Austria's largest private railway company and serves numerous cities in Austria and Germany. Unlike ÖBB tickets, the relatively inexpensive tickets do not have to be purchased before departure, but can also be purchased from the train crew on board.
By plane
Vienna is a good starting point for flights to other cities. In addition, low-cost airlines also fly from Bratislava, which can be reached by bus or train in about an hour. If you book your ticket early online, you can save even more money.
Car sharing
For a weekend excursion or a shopping trip by car, it makes sense to look for a car sharing provider. Often, affordable combinations with train tickets are also offered.
Erasmus Student Network (ESN)
ESN is a non-profit international student organisation whose mission is to represent international students, thus providing opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development under the principle of Students Helping Students.
ESN works for the creation of a more mobile and flexible education environment by supporting and developing the student exchange from different levels and providing an intercultural experience also to those students who cannot access a period abroad ("internationalisation at home").
ESN Austria and its sections, collaborating with over 15 higher education institutions, will support you through cultural events, social activities, and mentorship programmes, easing your integration into new environments. It represents your needs as an international student at all levels, promotes mobility by inspiring Austrian students to study abroad, and helps homecoming students reintegrate. With a focus on volunteering and active citizenship, ESN Austria fosters cross-cultural engagement and strengthens the global student community.
Accessibility Unit (ÖH)
The Accessibility Unit of the ÖH (Österreichische Hochschüler_innenschaft - Austrian National Union of Students) is committed to addressing the specific needs of students with disabilities, mental illness, and/or chronic illness in their daily university lives. If you encounter barriers in your daily study routine, have questions regarding study law, need support in implementing a project idea, or want to advance networking at your university, you can write to barrierefrei@oeh.ac.at and make an appointment if needed.
The Accessibility unit offers free counseling on various topics related to accessibility in studies (e.g. different examination methods, financial support options, project funding opportunities). and is committed to awareness raising, sensitization and public relations. Furthermore, they take action in the event of incidents of discrimination.