Catholic Private University Linz

The Catholic Private University of Linz (KU Linz) is a vibrant place of acknowledged reputation for excellent scientific research and teaching. From a historical point of view the KU Linz is the oldest academic institution in Upper Austria. For more than 300 years theology has been conducted and taught here. In 2000 the then KTU Linz was accredited to become the first private university of Austria. All courses offered in the fields of theology, religious education, philosophy, and art history are nationally accredited and recognised internationally. It distinguishes itself by its scientific quality and its very personal atmosphere. The KU Linz addresses current issues and comments them in public talks, symposiums, exhibitions, and publications. As a competence centre especially for humanities the Catholic Private University Linz accompanies the economic, technological, cultural and social development of the country.
Faculties and programmes
Faculty of Theology. Catholic Religious Education | Christian Theology | Religion in Culture and Society | Catholic Theology
Faculty of Philosophy and of Art History. Philosophy | Art History
With its two faculties, the Faculty of Theology and the Faculty of Philosophy and of Art History, the Catholic Private University Linz is a centre for humanities and cultural studies in Linz. Study procedures comply with the three-tier structure inaugurated by the Bologna Process. On all levels students may choose from various modules according to their specific fields of interest. Research at the Catholic Private University Linz is focussed on diverse challenges presented by both a society and a church in transition: how can theology, philosophy, and the arts further these shifts and reflect upon them? This – if best done in an interdisciplinary manner – need not be invented anew given the many historical incidents of cultural interaction between religion, art, and philosophy. A constructive dialogue between theology and economics has also been established in the curriculum, which has its institutional backup by the main emphasis on "Business – Ethics – Society". Together with other universities and colleges of education the KU Linz offers teacher training not only in religious education but also in psychology and philosophy. In cooperation with the Faculty of Medicine at the Johannes Kepler University a curriculum for medical ethics is currently being developed and will be implemented soon.