Private University of Education, Diocese of Linz

The Private University of Education, Diocese of Linz is a centre of education that offers courses for initial teacher training, in-service training and supplementary teacher training. Our philosophy of education is based on a humanistic Christian world view which aims to produce teachers who are capable of acting responsibly and in solidarity. The aim of teacher education at our university is to combine subject know-ledge and life experience with the necessary skills and wisdom for teaching at all university levels. A bachelor’s course of initial teacher training (including attendance and examinations) can be completed within the usual 8-semester period of study. A succeeding master’s study is compulsory in Austria. Our university supports life-long learning with a wide variety of courses. We place a premium stress on international networking (with universities in Europe, Africa and Asia) and topicality in our scholarly and scientific research.
Faculties and programmes
QTS for Secondary and Grammar Schools
QTS for Primary Schools
Early childhood education
The Private University of Education, Diocese of Linz offers master’s degrees, academically certified courses and training courses for professional development in a wide variety of fields. More than 700 participants are already engaged in a wide range of courses. All courses are offered part-time, master’s degrees are equal to the internationally recognised 120 ECTS credits (compatible with the Bologna Declaration).
Master’s degrees.
Health Promotion and Prevention, 6 semesters, MSc
Neurosciences and Education, 6 semesters, MSc
Art Therapy and Pedagogy, 6 semesters, MA
Theatre Pedagogy – Learning by Acting, 6 semesters, MA
Existential Pedagogy and Psychosocial Counselling, MSc (CE)