Graz University of Technology

Science. Passion. Technology. Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) has built up an impressive record of achievements in teaching and research over the last 200 years. The research activities range from high-quality basic research and application-oriented research to industrial implementation. Co-operation projects with science and business play an important role. TU Graz consolidates its competence thematically in the five "fields of expertise" by carrying out top research in important areas for the future ranging from human and biotechnology to mobility and production or advanced materials science. 13,600 students from almost 100 countries worldwide study at TU Graz in seven faculties and 100 institutes. Starting from scientific bachelor’s programmes, TU Graz focuses on research-oriented master’s and doctoral programmes. TU Graz produces top performers and managers who are much in demand.
Faculties and programmes
Architecture | Civil Engineering Sciences | Mechanical Engineering and Economic Sciences | Electrical and Information Engineering | Mathematics, Physics and Geodesy | Technical Chemistry, Chemical and Process Engineering and Biotechnology | Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering
TU Graz is a modern, future-oriented educational and research institution with a distinctive international profile. TU Graz offers 19 bachelor’s programmes, 36 master’s programmes – 20 taught in English – and English doctoral degree programmes. TU Graz is part of the University Network “Unite!”, an alliance of nine European universities that is a driving force for technology and innovation. The traditional strong networks existing between TU Graz and representatives of international industry and economy allow students to gain practical experience throughout their studies. A strong focus is placed on educating students in entrepreneurship but also on supporting the students’ developments in terms of their key skills and personalities. Thus, the university also supports the various student initiatives and interdisciplinary teams of students in different research areas, from automotive to robotics or neuroscience. Many of these teams make incredible achievements in international competitions. All this further enhances the already excellent career prospects for TU Graz graduates in research and industry. In terms of teaching, TU Graz also breaks new ground and uses the latest teaching and learning technologies to support interactive and creative learning.
TU Graz 100 Scholarship programmes for talented bachelor’s and master’s students from Austria and abroad: