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Gustav Mahler Private University for Music (GMPU)

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© Gustav Mahler Privatuniversitaet fuer Musik/Daniel Waschnig Die Gustav Mahler Privatuniversität für Musik ist eine künstlerische Ausbildungseinrichtung in Klagenfurt.

Carinthia's capital, Klagenfurt, is home to Austria's youngest university of music. However, the GUSTAV MAHLER PRIVATE UNIVERSITY FOR MUSIC is based on a one-hundred-year musical-artistic tradition of education of the highest quality. Until its accreditation in May 2019 the Carinthian State Conservatory fulfilled the task of qualifying and promoting talented young people as part of its non-academic programs.

The Gustav Mahler Private University for Music aims to explore new paths in art, teaching, and research. We are committed to the spirit and legacy of Gustav Mahler and innovatively connect tradition with modernity. It is important to open a wide perspective for music and the world in which it resonates. Therefore, we see ourselves as an open, creative, and international community that acts in an artistic and scientific way.

The GMPU is an academic institution of the province of Carinthia and offers programs and courses in the field of music with an artistic-pedagogical-scientific orientation. This includes the advancement of science and education through the development and exploration of the arts as well as the teaching of fine arts.
Central artistic subjects offered in artistic or artistic-pedagogical degree programs include conducting, composition, "classical" orchestral instruments, "classical" singing as well as instrumental, vocal, and subject-specific instruction in the genres of jazz, pop, folk music, and elementary music education.
In the regular courses of instrumental and vocal pedagogy (IGP) or musical performance art (MAK) bachelor's and master's programs are offered as well as teacher training programs for music (bachelor's and master's programs in music education and instrumental music education) in cooperation with the „Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten“ and the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz.

The GUSTAV MAHLER PRIVATE UNIVERSITY FOR MUSIC offers the following courses:

Bachelor's or Master's degree programme in "Instrumental and vocal pedagogy"
Bachelor's or Master's degree programme in "Musical Performance Art"

The bachelor's programmes each comprise 8 semesters, the master's programmes 4 semesters minimum study duration.


Gustav Mahler Private University for Music (GMPU)

9020 Klagenfurt
Mießtaler Straße 8

International Office:
+43 50 536 16555

Admissions Office:
+43 50 536 16536

Quick facts

founded in 2019
number of teachers 90
number of students 300

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