University of Sustainability – Charlotte Fresenius Privatuniversität

The University of Sustainability – Charlotte Fresenius Privatuniversität is part of the Carl Remigius Fresenius Education Group, one of the largest private and independent education groups in Germany. This group includes, among others, Hochschule Fresenius, AMD Akademie Mode & Design, Carl Remigius Medical School, Charlotte Fresenius Hochschule, escosign and Ludwig Fresenius Schulen. Through close cooperation within our network, we cover the entire educational landscape from training to further education and university studies. In this way, we offer people a wide range of opportunities and enable them to engage in lifelong learning.
The University of Sustainability – Charlotte Fresenius Privatuniversität is a new academic institution in Vienna. We are the first private university in Austria that has a clear focus on sustainability. We are a University of Sustainability.
We are accredited by the Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria (AQ Austria) and state-recognized by the Ministry. Our study programs are also accredited.
No matter which degree program you choose, questions on shaping a livable future are of great importance. You will acquire expertise and skills in sustainable systems and transformations. This will enable you to take responsibility for science, politics, society and business in your later professional life. You can also participate in our research projects during your studies. As part of a creative community, you will work on solutions for the challenges of our time as well as more sustainability in economy and society. Our vision is a world in which humans and nature support each other in a sustainable balance.
Faculties & programmes:
Business Management | Business Psychology | Sustainability Marketing & Leadership | Sustainable Real Estate Management | Psychology