FH Campus Wien – University of Applied Sciences

FH Campus Wien is Austria's largest University of Applied Sciences, with around 8,000 students. As multidisciplinary institution it offers nearly 70 part-time and full-time degree programs for both full-time and part-time students. These are spread across seven different departments: Applied Nursing Science, Applied Life Sciences, Building and Design, Health Sciences, Social Work, Engineering, and Administration, Economics, Security, Politics, evidence of the breadth of education offered at FH Campus Wien.
Ten subject-specific centres manage R&D projects and external research contracts. Moreover, recognized certifications are proof of the high-quality management standards at FH Campus Wien. The Campus Wien Academy offers continuing education in the form of seminars, modules and certificate programs. Furthermore, FH Campus Wien is committed to sustainability and is a founding member of the Coalition of Sustainable Higher Education Institutions.
Internationalization is part of the educational mission of FH Campus Wien and it is anchored at all levels of the university. It entails teaching and learning, research and development, and cross-border co-operation with networks and international partners.
Focusing on qualitative and strategic partnerships across the world, FH Campus Wien has established a varied network of more than 150 partner institutions. Together with its international partners, FH Campus Wien works to develop new teaching modules, joint and double degree semesters and programs, to conduct joint research, and to improve staff members’ language and intercultural skills. By internationalizing the curricula, it equips its students with international, intercultural and personal competences, preparing them for their professional lives in the 21st century.
Faculties and programmes
Administration, Economics, Security, Politics | Applied Life Sciences | Building and Design | Health Sciences | Nursing Science | Social Work and Engineering
The FH Campus Wien positions itself in an international network with around 100 foreign educational institutions Europe-wide. The Applied Life Science department is especially internationally orientated. The FH Campus Wien maintains, particularly in this field, cooperations with some of the most renowned universities in Europe. Besides mobility the FH Campus Wien is pursuing the Europeanisation of its curricula and promoting the exchange of lecturers at the European level. Spearheading thi sdevelopment is the master’s degree programme "SocialEconomy and Social Work" – the first European degree programme for social work – for which eight European universities have created a curriculum together. The degree programme is completed with the awarding of a "joint degree". The health department also attaches great importance to internationalisation from its beginning ,including international networks, conferences, guest lecturers and an outstanding mobility.
Far East Cooperation. Since June 21st, 2016 the global network of the FH Campus Wien has been expanded by four Taiwanese universities with extensive cooperation agreements. The Departments of Building and Design and Applied Life Sciences are participating in the cross-border transfer of knowledge in teaching and research. With regard to the biotechindustry, the Far East market is a strategically important point for Austria whereas the Asian continent would benefit from the urban solutions of the Austrian construction industry.