University College of Teacher Education Carinthia

The University College of Teacher Education Carinthia (UCTE) is the major teacher training institution in Carinthia. The University College of Teacher Education Carinthia – Viktor Frankl – combines professional initial, in-service and continuing education of teachers with research on relevant educational and pedagogical themes.
Due to the UCTE’s location in the Alps-Adriatic region we see ourselves as a "guide" in areas of multilingualism, intercultural learning and internationality as well as in terms of natural science, school development, quality development and research.
We cooperate with EU / Non-EU universities and university colleges all over the world.
Faculties and programmes
Initial training. (Bachelor and Master)
Primary school teacher education | Special needs teacher education | Secondary school teacher education | Vocational school teacher education | Education for Technical and Trade Professions
Lifelong learning. In-service training for teachers | Professional continuing education | Academy for leadership in schools (master’s programme) | Information technologies and e-learning | Multilingualiism and intercultural learning | Global citizenship education | Coaching, mentoring and organisational development (master’s programme)
The UCTE houses a regional Centre for Didactics of Natural Science, which focuses on didactic education and training for natural sciences. The extracurricular, scientific learning centre NAWImix was set up to promote and support science teaching at all types of schools. NAWImix is a place for education, further training and teaching, where the focus is on interdisciplinary, exploratory and discovery learning as well as joint experimentation. Furthermore, we are a centre for outstanding projects in the field of school development and run an academy for school leadership and senior management trainings. Students of primary and secondary education can complete their teaching practice at the Praxisvolksschule or Praxismittelschule located on campus as part of their Pedagogical Practical Studies. They are optimally prepared for their future professional field by experienced teachers. The University College of Teacher Education Carinthia is guided by the humanistic approach of Viktor Frankl and his philosophy. Therefore, we offer lectures and courses in the area of meaning-centred pedagogy.