Salzburg University of Education Stefan Zweig

The Salzburg University of Education Stefan Zweig (PH Salzburg) combines professional initial teacher training, in-service training and continuing education of teachers with research on relevant educational needs for the future of society. Personal and social qualifications are assessed to the same extent as methodology and profound knowledge. The attached training schools enable students to put theoretical know-how into practice. A European network of contracts with 70 partner institutions contributes to the attractiveness of the PH Salzburg Stefan Zweig and supports mobility for teachers and students alike. They are encouraged to take part in national and international development and research projects, thus becoming part of a European educational and social community.
Faculties and programmes
Teacher Education Primary Level | Secondary Level | Vocational Education | Teacher Education (BA / MA)
Inclusive University of Education PH Salzburg Stefan Zweig. Research and teaching at the PH Salzburg Stefan Zweig are intended to correspond to the profile of an inclusive university which reflects social diversity. This inclusive approach should open up non-discriminatory opportunities including gender, disabilities, migration and social background. It will strengthen the employability of students who are becoming future teachers in schools and staff in various pedagogical contexts. The inclusive university understands itself as a learning organisation. "All equal – all different"
BluE Programme. The BluE programme is a specific access route that allows people with intellectual disabilities to experience university education and participate in university activities just like their student peers in a four-year programme.