Information for Students and Researchers from Ukraine

This website features information for students and researchers from the Ukraine and for Austrian higher education institutions.

Current information will be updated regularly, for further details please click on the respective button.

Information for students and researchers

General information on studying in Austria

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Application and Admission

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  • For general information on admission to Austrian higher education institutions please visit

  • Once you have decided which study programmes interest you you should check how and when to submit your application to those programmes. In general, students in a bachelor or diploma programme have to register by September 5th (for the winter semester) or February 5th (for the summer semester). The registration period starts on April 15th, please note that different deadlines apply for specific study programmes.

    Detailed information can be found on the website (only in German!) or on the website of the higher education institution of your choice. Please bear in mind that some study programmes (e.g. medicine, etc.) have special entrance exams. It is very important that you inform yourself as early as possible about the admission requirements!

  • Students with Ukrainian citizenship are to have their tuition fees since the summer semester 2022. Accordingly, the Tuition fees decree (StuBeiV) is amended for the summer semester 2024. Ukrainian citizenship have to be proved by means of a certificate of citizenship of that country or a passport. See the Tuition fees decree and the decree of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) (amendment to the tuition fees decree, issued on 10 March 2022).



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  • Please note that this information is currently only available in German and Ukrainian versions.

    Erste Anlaufstelle für Unterkünfte für ukrainische Vertriebene in Österreich ist die Bundesagentur für Betreuung und Unterstützungsleistungen (BBU). Sie hat unter der Telefonnummer +43 1 2676 870 9460 eine eigene Hotline sowie einen eigenen Infopoint auf Englisch, Ukrainisch und Russisch auf ihrer Webseite eingerichtet.

    Dort finden sich auch die Adressen und Kontaktdaten zu den Ankunftszentren in den einzelnen Bundesländern, die dann zu anderen, längerfristigen Unterkünften weitervermitteln.

    Die BBU bzw. die jeweiligen Erstaufnahmestellen in den Bundesländern informieren auch darüber, wo und in welchem Umfang Unterkünfte von Privatpersonen und Institutionen zur Verfügung stehen, die diese Vertriebenen aus der Ukraine anbieten. Dazu zählen unter anderem auch Studierendenheime, von denen einige Heimplätze auch speziell für ukrainische Studierende zur Verfügung stellen.

    Wenden Sie sich als betroffene/r ukrainische/r Studierende/r die bzw. der Unterstützung bei der Unterbringung benötigt, an die BBU oder an die jeweilige Koordinationsstelle jenes Bundeslandes, in dem Sie sich aufhalten. Das gilt auch, falls Sie selbst Unterbringungsmöglichkeiten für ukrainische Studierende, Forschende und ihre Angehörigen anbieten möchten.

    Darüber hinaus kann auch die Österreichische Hochschüler/innenschaft (ÖH) Auskunft über Unterbringungsmöglichkeiten geben.

    OeAD student housing hat im Zeitraum März bis Juni 2022 35-40 Plätze für geflüchtete Personen bereitgestellt (in Graz, Leoben, Wien und anderen Universitätsstädten). Bei allen Fragen steht Ihnen Anja Lörincz unter zur Verfügung.

    Quelle: BMBWF (Wichtige Fragen und Antworten für Studierende und Forschende)

Language skills and German courses

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  • The Austrian Integration Fund (ÖIF) provides free German courses with a state-recognised certificate for Ukrainian displaced persons all over Austria at levels A1 - C1. You can book an appointment for German course counselling at the integration centres in all provincial capitals via the (mobile) service points and the ÖIF hotline (+43 1 715 10 51-120). You need to bring your residence card, your registration form, and a social security confirmation with you to the appointment. Important information: The German courses are for people who will receive a blue residence card for displaced persons. More information:

    How can I get a free German Course? (in Ukrainian)


  • The University Preparation Programmes in Graz and Vienna prepare international students who have been admitted studying at an Austrian university for supplementary examinations.

    International applicants for a place at university can attend intensive courses in

    • German as a foreign language
    • English, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, history, geography

    Attention: You can only enrol in a University Preparation Programme German course if you have already been admitted by an Austrian university. If your selected study programme is mainly held in German, it is necessary to prove a German level of at least A2 (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, CEFR) in order to be admitted to a University Preparation Programme German course. Meaning, you initially need a language certificate of at least A2 before you can apply for admission at the university of your choice (only if your study programme is mainly held in German).

    The Austrian Integration Fund (ÖIF) provides free German courses with a state-recognised certificate for Ukrainian displaced persons all over Austria at levels A1 - C1. Language courses that are completed as part of a preparatory programme are not offered free of charge. Cost for these preparatory programmes may vary. Please contact the preparatory programmes for further information.

    Please also note that the tuition waiver for ukrainian students does not cover the costs associated with a preparatory course. 

    Source: BMBWF (Wichtige Fragen und Antworten für Studierende und Forschende)

Information for higher education institutions

Support measures from higher education and research institution

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Information on funding

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The advice we provide is general information on mobility in education and research. This, however, does not substitute expert legal advice which may be necessary in individual cases. Although we endeavour to ensure that all information provided is correct we do not accept any liability for the correctness, completeness and topicality of the information we provide.
We have no influence on the contents of external websites we may refer to, therefore we do not accept any liability for the contents of those websites. Should you discover any incorrect information or any links that no longer work, please do not hesitate to contact us.