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University Colleges of Teacher Education

Teacher education at university colleges of teacher education and at universities

Teacher education in Austria is divided into the teaching qualification at primary level and the teaching qualification at secondary level (secondary schools or colleges for higher vocational education). Public and private University Colleges of Teacher Education offer teacher qualification programmes at primary level, which have been established as three-year (six-semester, workload 180 ECTS credits) Bachelor’s (Bachelor of Education, BEd) and two-year (four-semester, 120 ECTS credits) Master's degree programmes (Master of Education, MEd).

For the teaching qualification at secondary level, the higher education area has been subdivided into four different teacher training networks ("Entwicklungsverbünde"). Within these cooperation networks University Colleges of Teacher Education and Universities offer teacher training programmes at tertiary level in close cooperation with each other. The teaching qualification at secondary level has been established as three-year (six-semester, workload 180 ECTS credits) Bachelor’s (Bachelor of Education, BEd) and two-year (four-semester, 120 ECTS credits) Master's degree programmes (Master of Education, MEd).

There are nine state-run University Colleges, e.g. in Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Salzburg, Tyrol, Styria, Vorarlberg, Carinthia, and two in Vienna as well as five private institutions maintained by the dioceses of Graz, Innsbruck, Linz and Vienna and by a foundation in Burgenland.

Teacher Training Networks (Entwicklungsverbünde)

For the teaching qualification at secondary level a new teacher training system has gradually been introduced since 2013. The higher education area has been subdivided into four different teacher training networks (Entwicklungsverbünde):

Within these cooperation networks university colleges of teacher education and universities offer the new teacher training programmes at tertiary level in close cooperation with each other. The teaching qualification at secondary level has been established as four-­year (eight­-semester, workload 240 ECTS credits) bachelor's (Bachelor of Education, BEd) and one­-year or two-­year (two-­ to four-­semester, 60-120 ECTS credits) master's (Master of Education, MEd) degree programmes, depending on the type of secondary education.

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