Higher Education for Recognised Refugees & Subsidiary Protection
Study information for refugees
Please note:
- Advanced language skills are an absolute requirement for the access to higher education.
- Recognised refugees and people who have been granted subsidiary protection have access to public funding for language courses throughout Austria.
- Refugees have access to selected academic courses. Programs like MORE offer the possibility to improve language skills and get a taste of Austrian higher education.
- Students are generally not entitled to receive the "Bedarfsorientierte Mindestsicherung BMS".
German Language lessons, certificates & funding
Recognised refugees and people who have been granted subsidiary protection have access to public funding for language courses. Please note that language courses are offered by various providers, many of them for profit.
General information about language levels can be found on the website of the Austrian German Language Diploma ÖSD, a state-approved examination and assessment of German as a Foreign Language / German as a Second Language:
- The ÖSD and international standards (in German)
- Examination centres and examination dates (in German)
- Sample exams and practice materials (in German)
The Austrian Integration Fund ÖIF
The Austrian Integration Fund (ÖIF) supports recognised refugees and people who have been granted subsidiary protection through funding for literacy, elementary (A1, A2) and advanced courses (B1). Please note that you must apply for funding before the course begins. The ÖIF offers personal counselling at guidance centers in Vienna, Graz, Linz, Salzburg, Innsbruck, St. Pölten and Klagenfurt, as well as at 18 mobile counseling centers in different regions of Austria. For more information please consult the website of the OIF.
- Information about language courses
- Overview of the ÖIF sites and Welcome Desks
- ÖIF sites and consuling centres
The ÖSD offers language exams at levels A1 – C2. They are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Language course funding by the Public Employment Service Austria AMS: The AMS supports recognised refugees and people who have been granted subsidiary protection. For more information please contact your regional AMS.
ALFATELEFON Österreich: The central advice center for basic education and literacy offers free telephone information and advice on courses on all aspects of basic education in Austria. This course database also lists courses for refugees.
Other possible funding sources for language classes Vienna/Lower Austria:
- Free German courses for recognised refugees in Vienna and Lower Austria
- The Vienna education booklet
- Jugend College: Training for young immigrants aged 15 to under 21 years who have a German level of A2 and free access to the labor market; includes German language courses up to B1 (in German)
Other possible funding sources for language classes Tyrol:
Language certificates for students
Austrian higher education institutions usually teach in German (some programmes are available in English. An overview can be found at www.studienwahl.at). Admission to a degree programme usually requires a language level of at least B2, for some programmes even C2. Please contact the respective institution for information on conditions and accepted language certificates.
University Preparation Programmes are offered in the cities of Vienna, Graz and Leoben.
Vienna: University Preparation Programme of the Vienna Universities
Graz: University Preparation Programme of the Graz Universities
Leoben: University Preparation Programme Leoben
Preparation Programmes by Universities of Applied Sciences
Several Universities of Applied Sciences offer preparation programmes as well.
St. Pölten: The FH St. Pölten offers German classes for their students up to B2.
Further opportunities:
- miteinander.Bildung.leben - Deutsch- und Integrationskurs
Organisation: FH Campus Wien - Gender und Diversity Management
Brief description: German and integration course (language level B2 and C1) for asylum seekers with a tertiary educational background. The aim is that the participants can achieve the prerequisites for a nostrification in the field of health/social work or for the continuation of technical and scientific studies. Intensive German lessons, ÖSD exams included, social work support, educational advice, workshops, inclusion activities (excursions, exchange meetings with students, tandem network at the FH campus Vienna)
Duration of the offer: October 2020-July 2021, MON-FRI, if funding is approved, the new project will run from October 2021 to July 2022
Target group: Asylum seekers and asylum seekers with a tertiary educational background Age group: no age limit, but university access and tertiary educational background is mandatory
Other: Registration only possible via the Vienna Education Hub.
Contact: Katrin Oberhöller und Sarah Wolf
Email: mbl@fh-campuswien.ac.at
Tel.: +43 1 606 68 77 - 6146
Individual courses at Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences
As a refugee you have the opportunity to enrol as a non-degree student and get a taste of Austrian higher education by joining selected courses. You can also use the access to courses to practise your language skills.
MORE – An initiative by Universities Austria uniko
MORE Courses
More Courses offer refugees access to selected courses at state universities in Austria. Participants are admitted as non-degree students and might be able to pursue a degree later on.
MORE is open to asylum-seekers, recognised refugees, people who have been granted subsidiary protection and people who have been granted temporary leave to remain ("Duldung").
Among the benefits:
- Admission as a non-degree student
- Tuition fee waiver
- Access to the university library
- Support in the day to day life by student buddies
- Where possible support for travel expenses and expenses for teaching materials can be provided
MORE Programmes at Universities in Vienna:
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences
University of Applied Arts Vienna
University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna
MORE Programmes at Universities in Graz
MORE Programms at Universities Leoben Montanuniversität Leoben
MORE Programmes at Universities in Salzburg
MORE Programmes at Universities in Innsbruck
MORE Programmes at Universities in Klagenfurt
MORE Programmes at Universities in Linz
University of Arts and Industrial Design Linz
MORE Perspectives
More Perspectives enables refugee academics and scientists to connect with members of Austrian universities.
More information on MORE Perspectives is available here.
Initiatives for refugees at Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences
The University of Applied Sciences FH Joanneum is planning various projects for refugees. More information can be found here and on the website of the FH Joanneum.
The University of Applied Sciences FH Vorarlberg offers admission to selected courses. More information can be found here.
Recognised refugees and people who have been granted subsidiary protection have access to public funding for language courses. Please note that language courses are offered by various providers, many of them for profit.
General information about language levels can be found on the website of the Austrian German Language Diploma ÖSD, a state-approved examination and assessment of German as a Foreign Language / German as a Second Language:
- The ÖSD and international standards (in German)
- Examination centres and examination dates (in German)
- Sample exams and practice materials (in German)
The Austrian Integration Fund ÖIF
The Austrian Integration Fund (ÖIF) supports recognised refugees and people who have been granted subsidiary protection through funding for literacy, elementary (A1, A2) and advanced courses (B1). Please note that you must apply for funding before the course begins. The ÖIF offers personal counselling at guidance centers in Vienna, Graz, Linz, Salzburg, Innsbruck, St. Pölten and Klagenfurt, as well as at 18 mobile counseling centers in different regions of Austria. For more information please consult the website of the OIF.
- Information about language courses
- Overview of the ÖIF sites and Welcome Desks
- ÖIF sites and consuling centres
The ÖSD offers language exams at levels A1 – C2. They are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Language course funding by the Public Employment Service Austria AMS: The AMS supports recognised refugees and people who have been granted subsidiary protection. For more information please contact your regional AMS.
ALFATELEFON Österreich: The central advice center for basic education and literacy offers free telephone information and advice on courses on all aspects of basic education in Austria. This course database also lists courses for refugees.
Other possible funding sources for language classes Vienna/Lower Austria:
- Free German courses for recognised refugees in Vienna and Lower Austria
- The Vienna education booklet
- Jugend College: Training for young immigrants aged 15 to under 21 years who have a German level of A2 and free access to the labor market; includes German language courses up to B1 (in German)
Other possible funding sources for language classes Tyrol:
Language certificates for students
Austrian higher education institutions usually teach in German (some programmes are available in English. An overview can be found at www.studienwahl.at). Admission to a degree programme usually requires a language level of at least B2, for some programmes even C2. Please contact the respective institution for information on conditions and accepted language certificates.
University Preparation Programmes are offered in the cities of Vienna, Graz and Leoben.
Vienna: University Preparation Programme of the Vienna Universities
Graz: University Preparation Programme of the Graz Universities
Leoben: University Preparation Programme Leoben
Preparation Programmes by Universities of Applied Sciences
Several Universities of Applied Sciences offer preparation programmes as well.
St. Pölten: The FH St. Pölten offers German classes for their students up to B2.
Validation of an academic degree (Nostrifizierung)
Validation is the conversion of a foreign university degree into a corresponding (bachelor's, master's, diploma or doctor's) Austrian one by the organ in charge of study affairs at a university or university of applied sciences.
Academic degrees are validated for work purposes only. For example: If you have a medical degree and would like to work in Austria as a medical doctor, the degree will have to be validated. This means that you have to submit an application to an Austrian university, university of applied sciences or public university college of teacher education that offers a comparable study programme; they will verify whether your degree is comparable with the respective Austrian degree. You might be asked to undergo additional training as a non-degree student.
If the validation is denied, you might still be able to enrol in a comparable study programme and receive credit for parts of your previous studies. Please be aware that you will need a "Nostrifizierung" for certain professional fields; a list can be found here.
For more information about the validation of a degree please visit these websites:
Start or continuation of a study program at a higher education institution
In order to be admitted to a study programme you will have to fulfil certain requirements. For example, Austrian higher education institutions usually teach in German (some programmes are available in English. You will find more information about study programmes at www.studienwahl.at). Please contact the respective university for information about deadlines, conditions and accepted language certificates. Please be aware that you need to obtain detailed information about admission requirements directly from the respective university. If you meet all requirements and have all diplomas and certificates at the time of application, you can enrol as a student. Possible conditions are:
- Hochschulreife: The institution will compare your qualifications to Austrian standards before admitting you to a study programme. You have to present proof that you have completed your secondary level education; if necessary, you will have to complete additional classes (among others, language skills: Admission to a study programme usually requires a language level of at least B2, for some programmes up to C2).
- Some study programmes require entrance exams.
- Admission to a master's degree requires a bachelor's degree or diploma degree from the same academic field.
- Admission to a doctorate or PhD requires a master’s or diploma degree from the same academic field.
- If you are planning to continue a study programme that you started abroad and had to abandon, you might be able to get credit for successful exams. The institution will check your qualifications.
- People who have been granted asylum or subsidiary protection do not need an admission statement from a university in their home country (German term: besondere Universitätsreife).
If you do not have the necessary certificates by the time you apply for admission to a study programme, the institution might enrol you as a non-degree student. This means that you will be able to attend a University Preparation Programme and continue studying as a regular student after completing it. Austrian Universities
Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences
Austrian University Colleges of Teacher Education
Other Institutions of Post-Secondary Education
Language certificates for students: Austrian higher education institutions usually teach in German (some programmes are available in English. An overview can be found at www.studienwahl.at). Admission to a degree programme usually requires a language level of at least B2, for some programmes even C2. Please contact the respective institution for information on conditions and accepted language certificates. If you do not have a language certificate by the time when you register, the university can admit you as an extraordinary student. In this case, you can attend a preparatory course to acquire the German language and complete it by taking the supplementary examination in German. After completion, you can then continue your studies as a full student.
University Preparation Programmes: If you do not have the language certificates by the time you apply for admission to a study programme, the institution might enrol you as a non-degree student. This means that you will be able to attend a University Preparation Programme and continue studying as a regular student after completing it. University Preparation programs are offered in the cities of Vienna, Graz and Leoben
- Vienna: University Prepartation Programmes offered at Universities in Vienna
- Graz: University Preparation Programmes offered at Grazer Universities and Higher Education Institutions
- Leoben: University Preparation Programme Leoben
Preparation Programmes by Universities of Applied Sciences Several Universities of Applied Sciences offer preparation programmes as well.
St. Pölten: The St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences offers German courses for its students up to level B2.
The Central European University in Vienna offers preparatory programs for refugees. The aim of the programs is to give refugees access to English-language courses and prepare students for master’s degrees. It accepts individuals with undergraduate degrees. Students who have completed most but not all of their undergraduate degree for reasons related to their flight might also be accepted. The program is fully funded. More information can be found here.