University College of Teacher Education Styria

The University College of Teacher Education Styria is a nationally and internationally renowned public educational institution that strives for professionalism in its teachers who are participating in teacher training fields of study. Teaching and learning at the University College of Teacher Education Styria are organised around our specialised fields of study, which consist of initial teacher education and continuing teacher education.These fields of study contribute quality standards to lifelong learning. Furthermore, our learning opportunities offer brush-up and training courses in other pedagogical and social areas.
Faculties and programmes
Primary School | Secondary Education | Vocational Education | Nutritional Education | Information and Communication Education | Education for Technical and Trade Professions
The University College of Teacher Education Styria (PHSt) was founded in 2007. Its main campus is at Hasnerplatz, which is very close to the historic city centre of Graz. The University College offers a wide variety of study programmes in the fields of training, continuing education and further education for all types of schools and grades. Over 330 people are employed in the fields of teaching and research and about 3,500 full-time and 11,500 part-time students study at the PHSt. Approximately 7% of the students have an international background. The University College of Teacher Education Styria offers a modular course especially designed for foreign students. The course "International Teacher Competences (ITC)" lasts one semester, includes a total of 30 ECTS credits and combines lectures, seminars, workshops, school placements, and excursions. It is taught in English and German. There is a selection module of optional courses of 8 ECTS credits. The course aims are improving international teacher competences, working and studying in an international context and intercultural exchange. In the summer semester the annual International Week "Come2Graz" takes place at the University College of Teacher Education Styria. Teachers and staff from international partner institutions are invited to participate in teaching assignments and staff training during this week. The opening ceremony, guest lectures and workshops and an additional social and cultural programme are some of the highlights. More than 500 colleagues from our more than 70 partner institutions have participated in our International Week.