University College of Teacher Education Vorarlberg

The University College of Teacher Education Vorarlberg (Pädagogische Hochschule Vorarlberg (PHV) offers bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes leading to a teaching certificate that qualifies graduates to become primary/ elementary school teachers, secondary school teachers, vocational school teachers and to teach at schools for pupils with special needs. The programme comprise studies in the humanities, specialist fields, teaching methodology, teaching practice and supplementary studies. Extra qualifications can be gained in the following fields: outdoor education, computer science, early childhood education and German as a second language, amongst others. Austria’s teacher training colleges were established to bridge teaching theory and practice both in terms of content and organisation. Directly affiliated with the college is a training school for primary/elementary and basic secondary education.
Faculties and programmes
Initial Teacher Training (Primary and Special Needs Education, Secondary Education, Vocational Education) | In-service/Supplementary training | School Experience | Educational Sciences and various other programmes
The PHV builds upon the tradition of three former teacher training academies and in-service institutions. In 2016 the PHV together with other colleges of teacher education and the School of Education – University of Innsbruck merged to the cluster LehrerInnenbildung WEST (Teacher Education West). Hence developing a new curriculum and establishing joint research projects within the cluster. Apart from providing the initial education of future generations of teachers in Vorarlberg and the continuous and further in-service training for all active members of the teaching profession we also try to enable working teachers to acquire a higher academic degree through the master’s degree programmes. Feldkirch’s location near the borders with Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Germany, the beautiful landscape of the area between Lake Constance and the three-thousand-meter mountains of the East and West Alps offer the visitor many attractive opportunities.