Great success with third-party funding: SCEUS recruits FWF's doctoral college

8. April 2021 StudiesHigher Education
Ansicht Universität Salzburg
The doc.funds doctoral college at the Salzburg Center of European Union Studies (SCEUS) at Paris Lodron University Salzburg (PLUS) examines the “challenges of European integration”.

The doc.funds PhD program builds on the success of its existing counterpart at the Salzburg Center of European Union Studies (SCEUS), which has been co-financed by the Swiss Humer Foundation since 2008. It benefits from the excellent environment of the SCEUS, the interdisciplinary European focus of PLUS, and is therefore unique in the Austrian academic landscape.

The aim of the doc.funds PhD program is to train innovative and independent young researchers in European research according to the highest international standards. For this purpose, the training program combines structured method training with individual measures tailored to the respective doctoral students' needs and mainly aim to promote professional networks and international mobility.

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