More than 80 incoming students from 34 countries welcomed at the FH Salzburg

14. December 2022 HochschuleStudium
A total of 83 students from 34 different countries spends the current semester at the FH Salzburg. 4 more have extended their stay.

Kevin Bailey, Mobility Coordinator at the International Office, confirms that the international students like it in Salzburg: "In the first three weeks of the winter semester, four incoming students have already decided to extend their stay for the summer semester because they feel so comfortable here!"

In addition to the European exchange programs, there are also other possibilities for exchanges. One of these is the Ernst Mach Scholarship. This is aimed in particular at students and young scientists who would like to come to Austria for a research or study visit. The scholarship program is financed by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF). 

The FH Salzburg is proud to welcome nine incoming students this academic year, who can be supported by the Ernst Mach Scholarship. This is almost four times as many as in previous years. 

However, Salzburg students are also taking advantage of the opportunity for international mobility: A total of 76 students of the FH Salzburg are in European and international countries and will spend a semester or academic year at one of the more than 160 partner universities.


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