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Application & admission

Eine Illustration in schwarz-weiß und gelb mit einem Kuvert mit @-Zeichen und einem Kugelschreiber
© OeAD/Birgit Preiner


You are ready to start your academic experience in Austria?
You have to send your application and the necessary documents to the university, the university college of teacher education or the university of applied sciences (Fachhochschule/UAS). Most universities offer a registration of data via internet and will then send specific information to you via e-mail. University application forms can be downloaded from the universities’ websites. 

Please note that the OeAD does not handle any study applications. This site only provides general guidelines on issues related to studying in Austria. For detailed information concerning your eligibility, the admission procedure or the application requirements, please contact the Admission Office of the institution you are applying for.

Closing dates/deadlines and necessary requirements: 

At universities the closing dates for application for the winter semester are September 5, and for the summer semester February 5. As it may take longer to review foreign documents and process applications we recommend that you submit your application as early as possible so that you do not miss the start of the semester. Further information about differing admission periods and admission procedures (e.g. for study programmes with entrance examinations), the general and specific university entrance qualifications and the necessary documents can be found on the university of your choice’s website.

For many programmes proof of proficiency in German is necessary and should also be included in the application documents, if available (e.g. German examination within the school leaving examination, language course diplomas). Click here to find out more.

Foreign documents (e.g. transcripts) have to be presented in the original (and in photocopy) and have to be legalised. If documents have been drawn up in languages other than German or English, legalised translations have to be added, translations done abroad also have to be legalised.

Attention: In some degree programmes (e.g. Architecture, Biology, Business, Computer Science, Medicine, Dentistry, Psychology), universities may impose admission restrictions. This may involve either an entrance examination before admission or a selection process within the first two semesters after enrolment. For detailed information, please contact the respective universities directly.

Universities of the arts, private universities, universities of applied sciences, university colleges of teacher education and UAS degree programmes have different application deadlines and often do not require proof of the general or specific university entrance qualification; instead, prospective students have to pass an entrance examination or produce proof of a relevant professional qualification.

While the majority of the programmes at Austrian higher education institutions are taught in German but more and more study programmes are offered in English.

The requirements for admission to Certificate University Programmes for Further Education differ from course to course and should be enquired at the respective institution.

You can find out more about your chosen university’s rules by checking their guidelines. For further information please consult the higher education institution of your choice.


Admission to Austrian higher education is organised by the educational institutions themselves. To be admitted to a higher education programme, you first need to contact the institution that offers the programme. They can inform you of exactly which admission requirements apply to the programme of your choice. 

Please visit the section on the Higher Education Institutions where you can find all relevant information and contact addresses.


You can find the application form for admission on the website of your Austrian university. Please complete it and send it to the Admissions Office – together with all necessary documents.

Typically, the following documents are required for admission:

For bachelor’s programmes:

  • Students with EU/EEA school leaving certificate:
    • Proof of nationality (photocopy of your passport)
    • A secondary school leaving certificate that entitles you to admission to university studies in your home country
    • German language proficiency (secondary school leaving certificate confirming German lessons of at least 4 years or a German language diploma or similar documents)
  • Students with non-EU/EEA school leaving certificate:
    • Proof of nationality (photocopy of your passport)
    • An equivalent secondary school leaving certificate
    • German language proficiency (secondary school leaving certificate confirming German lessons of at least 4 years or a German language diploma or similar documents)

For master's programmes:

Successful completion of at least a 6 semester specialised relevant Bachelor’s degree (min 180 ECTS)

For PhD programmes:

Master’s degree in the same field of study as your research proposal or equivalent


Programmes with entrance examinations (e.g. medical universities, universities of the arts, UAS degree programmes): Please enquire in good time about application deadlines, special requirements and dates for the entrance examinations (closing date for application for entrance examinations can be up to 6 months before the beginning of the semester)!

Universities of Applied Sciences

For most of the study programmes at the Universities of Applied Sciences, you have to apply online. The prerequisite for the admission for a bachelor’s programme is as follows

  • The general university entrance qualification (an equivalent secondary school leaving certificate) or
  • relevant professional qualification.

Some Fachhochschule degree programmes also require proof of sufficient knowledge of the German language. Moreover, all applicants have to undergo an entrance procedure. This differs from one degree programme to the next. Usually you have to submit written documents, pass written or oral tests and take part in an interview.

For master's programmes:

Successful completion of at least a 6 semester specialised relevant Bachelor’s degree (min 180 ECTS)

University Colleges of Teacher Education

You have to register online for most of the study programmes at the university colleges of teacher education. All relevant information about the admission process can be found on the website of the institution. Please note that you need to have a sufficient knowledge of the German language.

Upon arrival in Austria you will need to enrol and register for your courses. This often involves visiting administrative offices in person. Please consult the respective website for detailed information.

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