Research Center für Maschinelles Lernen an TU Graz

18. October 2022 Higher EducationResearcher
Illustration Schreibtisch
The TU Graz Research Center "Graz Center for Machine Learning" (GraML) was established at the Graz University of Technology.

Whether medicine, climate, mobility, the production of goods or financial markets: Humankind faces complex problems that can no longer be described or solved with relatively simple models. On the other hand, digitization generates enormous amounts of data that could be useful in solving problems. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are therefore considered essential tools for the future.

The GraML at the Graz University of Technology aims to create a network that connects researchers who deal with machine learning in different ways. Core research areas are machine vision and visual intelligence, optimization algorithms, resource-efficient and brain-inspired machine learning, the incorporation of probability theory, the development of recommendation systems, and trust and reliability of systems.

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Source: APA Science 

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